Rituals and Traditions:

  • Rite of Passage: A trial in the temple that all Loparr youths undergo to become adults.
  • Mourning Period: Following the death of a villager, there’s a 1-week mourning period.
  • Ceremony of Return: Survivors of the rite of passage recount their journey to the village.
  • Title of Seekers: Granted to individuals who retrieve potent ancient artifacts.
  • Visiting Families of the Dead: Adventure survivors pay respect to the grieving families of the fallen.


  • The Pantheon: A mysterious set of deities, which now includes Adeona.
  • The Dead: There’s a belief that they might return as zombies.
  • Ancient Technology: It’s believed to harness magical power.

Other Cultural Elements:

  • Red: A wise ancient spirit bound to a sentient sequoia tree, serving as the village’s guide.
  • Pip: A sapling plant-man with the ability to communicate with Red and share his wisdom.
  • Shamans: They have the ability to commune with the gods and gain powers.
  • Village Elders: These are respected tribal leaders, an example being Shaman Sherman.
  • Mutations: They are thought to manifest after enduring intense hardships.
  • Rival Tribe: The Loparr have a rivalry with the Aerith tribe, especially when it comes to securing ancient artifacts.