The young warriors picked their way through the hive, seeking ancient technology to complete their rite of passage. In a chamber full of strange webbing, they had uncovered a hidden metal conduit, hoping it would lead them to technological treasure. But when they bashed the conduit open, the noise stirred an aggressive burrower worker from its sleep. The creature scuttled into view, mandibles clicking as it let out an ominous hiss.

Brave Smokey charged forward with his stone axe but failed to injure the burrower’s hardened carapace. The rest of the youths leapt to join the fray, chipping away at the creature until it finally collapsed in a oozing heap. With the threat eliminated, the group decided their best chance for finding artifacts lay in the mysterious conduit. One by one they crawled inside.

The conduit tunnel stretched down at a steep angle, winding deep into unknown darkness. Bold Smokey took the lead, inching along on his belly while lowering a torch ahead to light the way. Reaching the end at last, he found himself emerging onto a narrow metal walkway suspended over a vast, black void. He called a warning to the others - descend slowly! The void below was ready to swallow any misstep.

The group moved carefully along the walkway, feeling it sway and creak under their weight. Up ahead, part of the walkway had fallen away entirely, leaving a gaping hole into the dark. Working together, the youths stretched ropes across the gap, creating a rickety but passable bridge. But tragedy struck as sure-footed Longshot lost his balance crossing the ropes and tumbled forward into the abyss. The echo of his screams faded to silence.

Though mournful, the group steeled themselves and pressed onward. Their duty was clear - they must find technology to bring back to the village, no matter the cost. Passing the gap, the walkway led to a ladder descending further still into the ancient complex. Curious Cloud H grabbed a torch and flew down the ladder to investigate. At the bottom he found himself in a massive chamber lined with strange glass windows and pipes snaking along the walls. What wonders would they uncover here in the depths? Driven by duty, the Loparr youths vowed to explore the ancient halls to their end, no matter what terrors awaited in the darkness.