Deep within the bowels of a forsaken world, the motley band of adventurers stood before a mammoth door, its surface etched with the cryptic symbology of the Ancients. The darkness of the tunnel seemed to swallow the very light around them as they contemplated the barrier that loomed before them. Elsewhere, his three legs shifting restlessly, shared with the group a recollection of windows they had previously encountered—impenetrable barriers that mocked their efforts with their silent, transparent defiance.

Amid the tension, Flattus, the healer, lightened the mood with a jest about the folly of repeating failure, spinning it into a humorous yarn involving legal jargon and biblical references. A chuckle rippled through the group at the notion of not getting a “second bite at the apple,” their laughter a brief respite from the omnipresent danger.

As they recovered from their mirth, Prodigy, the shaman, wove a satirical tale of a theoretical podcast, a venture that would surely bring wealth to them before they embarked on any altruistic deeds. The jest about catering to niche demographics was met with smirks and knowing glances among the seasoned gatherers and hunters.

The conversation took a peculiar turn as Bucks, the green-skinned mutant, initiated a debate on the sugar content in various condiments. The group found themselves comparing the sweetness of ketchup to the syrupy allure of a Coke, and even the deceptive richness of a milkshake. Such mundane details of a world long lost seemed strangely comforting in the desolate underground.

Their path thus far was made clear as a map was unfurled before them, showing the crypt with its standing coffins, a desecrated temple, and the shrine with its eerie green glowing liquid. The stairs they had descended to reach their current position were marked, a reminder of the journey they had undertaken. The map brought to light an uncomfortable truth—their comrade Jeffries, the towering orangutan manimal, was too tall to have journeyed with them to this chamber.

The pressing matter at hand—whether to press forward or retreat—was debated. Bucks, with a hesitant courage, led the way down the hallway, his mind reaching out with telepathic whispers for any sign of threat or welcome.

Entering a smaller chamber, the crew was met with an unnatural cleanliness—the walls were smooth, free of the rampant plant life that had reclaimed much of the ruins. Small holes pockmarked the walls and ceiling, dust lay undisturbed, and magic stones dangled on chains, their purpose inscrutable.

The far door stood ajar, its window shattered, a bright glow beckoning from beyond. But before they could investigate further, a metallic figure, a remnant of the Ancients’ technology, stirred to life. It pointed a tubular appendage at them, and they knew—combat was inevitable.

Prodigy was first to move, stepping into the chamber with a measured calm, while Paulo attempted to parley with the creature, offering peace to no avail. An unidentified floating object drew near, and Elsewhere called out a greeting, hoping for a nonviolent resolution.

Flattus assessed the situation, readying to heal Elsewhere, who had been struck down. An image of a creature, pixelated and strange, appeared before them, provoking discussion on the technology of the Ancients.

The floating menace drew closer, and Flattus remained back, considering the need to revive his fallen comrade. Smokey, the hooved and winged mutant hunter, charged forward, ready to protect his allies. Bucks, his mind reaching out, attempted to breach the thoughts of their adversary, whispering the word “sleep” into the ether.

The metallic guardian uttered incomprehensible commands—threats or instructions, they could not tell. Smokey, shielding himself, demanded to know its purpose, but the creature merely repeated its previous utterance. In a burst of desperate action, Smokey struck with his baton. The metal figure emitted distorted cries, smoke billowed from its form, and it crashed to the ground, motionless.

Dust, the two-headed blob, swung his stone axe at the fallen guardian, but it left no mark. Prodigy, ever cautious, scanned the room for hidden dangers, while Paulo listened for any sign of life within the downed sentinel.

Bucks, wielding a Duraloy knife, scored a mark upon the creature’s carapace, even as it struggled to regain its hover. Elsewhere’s axe swing chipped the stone of his own weapon, and the group humorously contemplated the logistics of sharing their one effective knife.

As they deliberated the ethics of their assault, the combat continued. Paulo’s laser pistol merely grazed the robot, and Flattus kept his distance, readying his weapon. Smokey’s extra limbs allowed for a flurry of attacks, causing spiderweb cracks to form on the robot’s surface, and Dust’s failed attempt to unleash radiation left him cursing his impotence.

The group’s collective efforts eventually laid the robot to ruin. Dust, in a display of irreverent triumph, manifested large balls to teabag the vanquished foe, while Paulo fired a shot at the inert metal, claiming a jestful coup de grâce.

In the aftermath, they examined the robot, discovering an empty tank bearing the GE logo among its innards. Smokey and Bucks pushed onward, finding a cave aglow with luminescent mushrooms and vibrant plant life. An immense plant, scarred by past battles, watched them with a predatory hunger.

Smokey and Bucks discerned a trail through the foliage, evidence of another’s passage. They rounded a corner and beheld an object reminiscent of a fabled artifact from an Ancient tale known as “Prometheus.” Bucks, driven by curiosity and odd fascinations, approached it without caution.

The party, amused and wary, deemed it a fitting point of respite. Yet, plans for the next steps were laid. The object, potentially dangerous, prompted a debate on strategy—whether to engage from a distance or find a way to bypass it. The doorway beyond beckoned, and the group weighed the use of their precious laser beam against simpler, more conventional arms.

The creature reacted to their presence, tendrils reaching out. Dust and Bucks quickly distanced themselves from any role as bait. Resolving to attack from afar, Prodigy sought to communicate, but silence was his only answer.

Telepathy failed to bridge the gap between minds, and the creature’s tendrils inched closer to Smokey, who remained fearless. An intelligence check revealed the plant’s unique menace, distinct from the others in the room.

Smokey’s ruse with a thrown rock failed to elicit a response, but Dust’s pyrokinesis set the creature ablaze. As it collapsed and smoldered, the air filled with smoke, and the group made light of fire alarms and spores. A grisly discovery at its base—a dead body—served as a grim reminder of the dangers they faced.

Giving the charred husk a wide berth, the party proceeded with caution. Smokey and Bucks led the way, only to encounter more peril: Bucks was ensnared by a lily pad-like plant, and acid seared his skin. Dust’s pseudopods strained to free him, but the plant held fast, and from the walls, emaciated figures covered in yellow fungus emerged, threatening the party’s advance.

Bucks struggled with his knife, while Dust called out for aid. The session closed with the group bracing for combat, their minds already turning to strategies for the next encounter, even as they shared plans for the coming New Year’s Eve among themselves.

Key Events
  • The party encounters a large door in a dark tunnel.
  • The group discusses the impenetrability of windows they’ve previously encountered, joking about failure and not trying again.
  • There’s a humorous exchange about legal phrases and biblical references, specifically the concept of not getting a “second bite at the apple.”
  • The conversation shifts to a satirical podcast idea, joking about advertising to specific demographics and the notion of becoming wealthy before doing good deeds.
  • The group discusses the sugar content in various condiments, comparing ketchup, Coke, and milkshakes.
  • A map is shared with the players, showing their current location in a room with a closed door and the path they’ve taken so far, including a crypt with standing coffins, a temple, a shrine with green glowing liquid, and stairs leading down to their current position.
  • The players are reminded that one of their characters, Jeffries, is too tall to have made it down to the current room.
  • The party debates whether to go back or move forward, with Bucks tentatively leading the way down the hallway.
  • They enter a smaller room with smooth walls, free of plant life, and notice small holes in the walls and ceiling, dust, and magic stones on chains.
  • The door at the far end of the room has a shattered window, and a bright glow comes from beyond it.
  • A metallic figure, referred to as “smart metal” or “robot,” activates and points a tube at the party, initiating combat.
  • The group rolls initiative, with Prodigy going first, followed by Bucks, Smokey, and Paulo.
  • Prodigy decides to walk into the room without taking action.
  • Paulo enters the room and attempts to communicate with the creature, saying they mean no harm, but receives no response as it is not the creature’s turn to act yet.
  • An unidentified floating object is approaching the group, but the players have a chance to react before it gets too close.
  • A player character from the back of the group attempts to communicate with the object, saying “hello, we mean you no harm.”
  • Flattus is next to act and considers using a heal on Elsewhere, who is down.
  • An image of a creature is produced, which prompts a discussion about its pixelated appearance and the technology of the Ancients.
  • The floating object continues to approach, and Flattus decides to stay back, possibly to heal Elsewhere.
  • There is an interruption as a player needs to step away briefly.
  • Smokey rushes to the front, ready to confront the smart metal object.
  • The group discusses creating portraits for their characters to replace generic silhouettes.
  • Bucks attempts to use telepathy on the object, trying to read its thoughts or project his own.
  • Bucks rolls for telepathy but needs to reference the rulebook for details.
  • The telepathy attempt results in a thought that seems to say “sleep.”
  • The object moves to the center of the room and speaks in an incomprehensible language, with words like “come here, stand, die.”
  • Elsewhere decides to stay out of the room, anticipating that the object might be a decontamination bot that could spray something harmful.
  • Smokey steps forward with a shield and baton, asking the object what it wants, but it repeats its previous statement.
  • The object points an apparatus at Smokey, which looks like a tubular pointing implement, possibly a weapon.
  • Smokey decides to attack the object with his baton, causing it to emit distorted words, smoke, and then fall to the ground motionless.
  • Dust attacks the object with a stone axe but fails to leave a mark.
  • Prodigy cautiously enters the room to look for other dangers but finds nothing immediately threatening.
  • Paulo listens to the fallen object and hears a whirring sound, indicating it’s not completely disabled.
  • Flattus, the healer, stays back, observing the situation.
  • Bucks re-enters the room and uses a Duraloy knife to leave a scored mark on the object’s carapace.
  • The object attempts to hover again but fails and remains on the ground.
  • Elsewhere attacks the object with an axe but only manages to chip the stone of his own weapon.
  • Smokey joins in attacking the object, but it remains durable.
  • Dust considers using Buck’s Duraloy knife but ultimately does not.
  • The group humorously discusses the logistics of sharing one knife to attack the object.
  • The group discusses the rules of engagement, with a focus on avoiding certain tactics.
  • The party continues to attack a robot, with various characters taking turns to strike it.
  • Prodigy decides not to use a spell, considering it a potential waste of resources.
  • Paulo uses a laser pistol on the robot, but only grazes it without causing damage.
  • Flattus ensures he maintains a safe distance from the front lines while shooting.
  • Bucks successfully chips off a piece of the robot with a Duraloy knife.
  • Elsewhere cannot attack this turn due to the “super strength” feat, which allows only melee attacks every other round.
  • Smokey uses extra limbs to make additional attacks with a baton and an axe, causing spider web cracks on the robot.
  • Dust attempts to use radiation generation but fails, rendering the ability unusable for the rest of the day.
  • Prodigy investigates the room, deducing that the smart metal and other dangers in the room may have killed many people in the past.
  • Paulo takes aim with his laser pistol for a better shot next turn.
  • The robot attempts to incapacitate Bucks with a net, but he avoids being fully trapped.
  • Elsewhere smashes the robot’s front plate, revealing its internal components.
  • Smokey follows up with attacks but misses as the robot moves out of the way.
  • The robot is finally defeated after a barrage of attacks from the party, and Dust manifests large balls to teabag the robot in celebration.
  • Paulo takes a shot at the defeated robot, jokingly claiming the killing blow.
  • The party examines the robot, finding an empty tank with a GE logo and other internal components.
  • Smokey and Bucks explore another room, encountering a cave filled with luminescent mushrooms and strange plant life.
  • The party notices an immense plant with vine-like tendrils and a mouth full of sharp teeth, which has scorch marks and seems to react to their presence.
  • Smokey and Bucks, at the front, notice a path through the plant life, suggesting someone has passed through before.
  • The party has exited a previous area and Smokey has come around a corner to spot something of interest.
  • Buck is intrigued by the object, comparing it to something from the movie “Prometheus,” and runs up to it despite not knowing how to use a map and having a peculiar interest in “snake vagina penises.”
  • The group jokes about Buck’s interests and considers it a good stopping point but decides to plan for the next session instead.
  • The party discusses their reaction to the object, with some characters wanting to keep their distance and others considering using ranged attacks.
  • The object is described as having enough reach to cover a central area, and there is a path that goes in its direction, which is not far around it.
  • There is a doorway beyond the object that might allow the party to slip past it without getting within its reach.
  • The party debates whether to use a laser beam weapon with limited charges or other weapons like bows and arrows.
  • The object reacts to the party’s presence, and the group considers various strategies, including distracting it with garbage or shooting it from a distance.
  • Dust and Bucks quickly declare they are not volunteering to be bait for the creature.
  • The party decides to attack the creature from a distance, and Prodigy attempts to communicate with it, but there is no response.
  • Bucks tries telepathy and considers using glow burn to enhance his abilities.
  • The party notices tendrils extending towards Smokey and Bucks steps back to avoid them.
  • An intelligence check reveals that while there are many strange plants in the room, none are like the one they are facing.
  • The party lures the creature to extend its tendrils, which stop after reaching a certain length.
  • Smokey tests if the creature reacts to sound or vibration by throwing a rock, but there is no reaction.
  • The party considers using fire against the creature, with Dust having pyrokinesis.
  • Dust uses pyrokinesis to set the creature on fire, which eventually collapses and smolders without showing signs of pain.
  • The room fills with smoke, and the party jokes about fire alarms and spores.
  • The party discovers a dead body at the base of the plant, which horrifies them.
  • The group decides to give the burned creature a wide berth and continues cautiously.
  • Smokey and Bucks lead the way to a new area, where they encounter a thick braid of vines and a sweet aroma that compels Bucks to run towards it.
  • Bucks gets stuck on a lily pad-like plant and takes acid damage.
  • Dust uses pseudopods to try to pull Bucks free, but the plant is too strong and durable.
  • Emaciated figures covered with yellow fungus emerge from pods on the walls and move to threaten the party.
  • Bucks tries to cut the plant with a knife while Dust calls for help.
  • The session ends with the party about to engage in combat with the plant and the fungus-covered figures.
  • Paulo calls for additional help, and the group prepares for the upcoming confrontation.
  • The session concludes with plans for the next game session and a discussion about New Year’s Eve plans among the players.